Beautiful lips: how to reverse the aging process?
Causes of cheilitis Exposure to adverse weather conditions. The disease often develops as a result of exposure to unfavorable climate
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How does an endodontist perform treatment?
Obturation using the continuous wave method for greater precision of the procedure
A variety of modern techniques used for filling developed root canals differ significantly from each other,
Pain after tooth extraction: how many days does it last?
Why do my gums hurt after tooth extraction? Providing quick assistance
Tooth extraction - for some it is an inevitable and extremely undesirable last resort, for others
chocolate hurts teeth
Why teeth react to sweets: 11 main reasons
Many people face a common problem when their teeth hurt from sweets, it brings a big
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Why do teeth ache during pregnancy and how to avoid it?
Dangerous symptoms How to relieve pain? Allowed painkillers When can teeth be treated? Is it possible to do
Inflammation of the periosteum: how to treat and how not to get it
Many people are familiar with the phenomenon of gumboil - when the cheek is next to a sore tooth.
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Acry-free dentures: features, reviews from dentists and patients
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The structure of the periodontium and the etiology of periodontal diseases
All tissues of the oral cavity, both teeth and gums, are interconnected and naturally
Complicated caries
Migraine. What to do if you have an unbearable headache
Prosopalgia is a collective clinical concept that combines all pain syndromes that arise in the area
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