Losing teeth creates not only physiological, but also aesthetic problems. Modern dentistry allows
Secondary caries is a new pathological process that occurs in the tissues of the tooth, which was previously subjected to
Many consumers believe that, compared to conventional brushes, electric brushes have more advantages: they
An x-ray is the dentist’s main tool in making the correct diagnosis. However, a conventional orthopantomogram or
What are temporary veneers, why place them and how long will you have to wear them? Today
Dentinogenesis imperfecta type I Pathology is always combined with osteogenesis imperfecta. Occurs more often in men
Preservatives Any long-term storage paste contains preservatives that prevent the development of microflora in the product. Note,
Types of toothpastes Properties of toothpastes Composition of toothpastes Selection of toothpaste according to the problem
In this article Who is susceptible to developing interdental caries? How to detect caries in interdental spaces?
What does a pacifier replace? Already in the sixth month of intrauterine development, the fetus develops a sucking reflex.