Fluorine as a chemical element on the periodic table
Fluorine Atomic number 9 Appearance of the element Fluorine in a container Pale yellow gas, extremely
Healthy balanced diet
Modern technologies for effective caries prevention
What role does a proper diet play in preventing tooth decay? A healthy balanced diet is an important factor
Chew less often! Do I need to remove wisdom teeth and is fluoride toothpaste harmful?
Types of toothpastes Properties of toothpastes Composition of toothpastes Selection of toothpaste according to the problem
Treatment of herpetic stomatitis at the Family Dentist
Herpetic stomatitis: signs, treatment methods depending on the form
Bubbles with yellowish contents on the mucous membranes of the cheeks, back of the tongue, lips cause pain to the baby and are accompanied by
Caries treatment cost per tooth
Home » Articles » Treatment of caries cost per tooth July 29, 2021 To
Dental defects
Restoration of the crown part of the tooth (long-term temporary restoration)
Removing a tooth is the last thing a dentist will suggest. For a number of reasons
Periodontitis is an inflammation of the vast majority of people. Periodontitis refers to inflammatory diseases that affect the surrounding teeth.
TOP 15 best portable irrigators -
Portable irrigators allow you to better care for your oral cavity. They thoroughly remove plaque and
Why does hidden caries occur in children?
Cervical or basal caries is one of the most dangerous forms of the disease. With such a diagnosis
Prevention of caries
What are the consequences of improper treatment of caries?
Filling is a complex of dental procedures that includes the removal of tooth tissue destroyed by caries,
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