Any injury to the bones of the skull is extremely dangerous. The jaw is most often affected; those at risk are:
Dental procedures always bring discomfort and inconvenience, especially when it comes to tooth extraction. Despite
The article was prepared by a specialist for informational purposes only. We urge you not to self-medicate.
Characteristics of the profession - what it does, functions and responsibilities Let's see what specializations dentists have:
Dermatovenereologist Alina Rashidovna Khasanova Experience 9 years Make an appointment Often patients turn to
What are the dangers of plaque and stone? Plaque that settles on the teeth is soft. It can be easily removed by any
How many teeth should a child have? By the age of three, a child usually has already formed
Causes of dislocation Symptoms Classification Possible complications Diagnosis Treatment and prognosis If the tooth cannot be saved
Regular brushing of teeth does not always eliminate bacteria and plaque in hard-to-reach places, but those that
Dental trainers are a type of myofunctional correctors that are used to correct bite