How to avoid the occurrence of odontogenic sinusitis
Systemic antibacterial therapy for odontogenic maxillary sinusitis at the present stage
Odontogenic sinusitis is an inflammation of the maxillary sinuses that develops from infected teeth of the upper jaw. Penetration
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Global White teeth whitening system: reviews. Global White: Pros and Cons
An attractive snow-white smile can create a good first impression of a person and become a calling card.
Which doctor treats glossitis of the tongue in adults and children
Navigation: What to look for during a self-examination Choosing a specialist depending on the symptoms
perforation of the maxillary sinus floor
Facial pain: causes, diagnosis, treatment
Causes of pain in the face and head Headache that radiates to the face,
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Is it possible to whiten teeth using banana peels, how to carry out the procedure correctly?
When we approach the threshold of maturity, questions of additional attention to our own health certainly arise. Teeth
Cellulitis and abscesses of the face and neck. Etiology, pathological anatomy, ways of spreading infection, classification, clinical characteristics, principles of treatment, prevention.
Maxillofacial phlegmon: causes and dangers The vast majority of phlegmons (more than 90%) are odontogenic in nature, then
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Rox whitening toothpaste: reviews and recommendations from dentists
A beautiful snow-white smile and oral health – these are the main functions of ROCS toothpaste
What to do if a pimple appears on your lip?
How does the virus become infected? The virus can be infected in different ways: airborne droplets, contact (through shared towels,
Arteries, veins and nerves of the upper and lower jaw
The current state of affairs and the rapid development of dentistry and plastic maxillofacial surgery require detailed knowledge of the blood supply.
How many teeth does a large shark have: diagram of the jaw, gill arches, number of teeth and rows of shark teeth 
Shark jaw, teeth, dentition: how many, how are they arranged and why? The most important part of the jaw
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