What happens if you don’t install an implant or crown after tooth extraction?
Modern dental prosthetics can completely restore the aesthetics of the dentition and its chewing functions. WITH
Who should not use shampoos with SLS?
Sodium lauryl sulfate in shampoo: effect on hair, pros and cons, possible harm
Healthy hair is the healthy desire of every woman. Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to achieve this
Dental implantation
Types of implants: main characteristics of dental structures
Intramucosal implantation A type of implantation that involves the installation of mini-implants and is used to obtain extremely strong fixation
pleomorphic adenoma
Polymorphic adenoma of the salivary gland
Causes of the disease A number of factors can provoke the manifestation of the disease, which include various influences from
Child's ear
Why might lumps appear behind the ears? Possible reasons
Causes of Lumps Behind the Ears There are a number of health problems that can cause
Zirconium crowns for front teeth. Installation price in Moscow
From this article you will learn: the pros and cons of ceramic zirconium crowns, their varieties
grillz for teeth
Grillz for teeth: description, types, disadvantages and cost
Dental decoration is steadily gaining popularity. Now not only pop stars can show off shiny teeth,
Is mouthwash good or bad for you?
Progress, as they say, does not stand still and every day brings to our
Cement: its functions, types and role in the development of tooth sensitivity
The structure of tooth dentin - Dentin consists of calcified intercellular substance, which is penetrated by the so-called
Corega Maximum fit, cream for fixing dentures 40g
One of the main problems people with removable dentures face is not having enough
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