Tooth transplantation - how is tooth transplantation performed?
Tooth replantation is a type of dental surgery during which the lost tooth unit is returned
Photo of a patient before and after whitening for fluorosis
Dental fluorosis: what it is, treatment, causes, classification and photos
Fluorosis is a disease of tooth enamel associated with prolonged exposure to excessive amounts of
Folded tongue
What to do when your tongue hurts? Causes of discomfort and methods of treatment
Why does my tongue hurt at the tip, bottom or side? Among the causes of pain in various areas
From this article you will learn: what gum diseases are, how they differ from each other
It cramps the cheekbones and jaw. Causes and treatment, what to do
Causes of jaw clenching during trismus: inflammation of the masticatory muscles; inflammation of the gums; caries; abscess; inflammation of the periosteum
Why can all teeth hurt at the same time?
Causes of pain Why do all teeth hurt at the same time? There are many reasons for the problem associated with the lesion
prostheses on telescopic crowns
Partial removable dentures with telescopic fixation Secondary telescopes are made by casting “in one piece” simultaneously with the frame of the clasp denture
Prosthetic technologies are improving, modern orthodontic implants are natural and comfortable to use. High aesthetic result
Oil sucking in the morning. Scientific research, benefits, does it cleanse blood vessels, reviews
The practice of oil sucking originates from Ayurvedic medicine. It is recommended to rinse your mouth every day
Surgical dentistry, what is it?
Specialty "General Dentistry" (residency)
What is therapeutic dentistry? There are many different areas of dental practice. Therapeutic dentistry -
Temporary or removable dental veneers: main differences
For prosthetics, dentists use different materials from plastic to metal. The doctor selects the appropriate option
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