Many people dream of a beautiful and snow-white smile, but at the same time, according to WHO (World Health Organization),
For prosthetics and restoration of teeth in modern dentistry, various materials can be used, and one
Symptoms of a tooth abscess The inflammatory process in the tissues of the tooth and gums occurs in stages, accompanied by various
Let us pay attention to a problem that is relevant for almost 80% of Russians. Let's figure out how to correct a malocclusion
Fast Facts About General Anesthesia Here are some key points about general anesthesia. More detailed
Cholisal or Metrogyl Denta are the two most popular dental products produced in the form
In this article In what cases does dental caries develop: risk factors Prevention of dental caries:
What results can you expect after lip augmentation? Lip augmentation by injection of fillers on
Why do you need to get braces? Uneven teeth complicate the processes of communication and socialization because they look
From this article you will learn: how a wisdom tooth is removed - photos and videos, how much