Brush your teeth twice a day - Line of Smile Dentistry
Pediatric dentistry - Persin9 / Section 06. Inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial area / 6.09. Inflammatory root cysts of the jaws
What is a cyst? Jaw cyst A cyst is a cavity that is lined with epithelium and filled
Treatment of stomatitis in children in a multidisciplinary clinic
Herpetic stomatitis: symptoms, treatment
Causes of stomatitis Imperfection of local and general defenses of the child’s body makes the mucous membranes of the cavity
Oral cavity hurts
Stomatitis – inflammation of the oral mucosa
Pain in the mouth can have a variety of causes. There are pathologies accompanied
Mom's Guide to Baby Amber Teething Beads
Unusual stone In relation to amber, you can constantly use the epithet “unique”. What is it
Acri Free prostheses: characteristics, types, advantages, disadvantages, care, adaptation, care
Characteristics The new generation elastic prosthesis has unique characteristics. The design differs in many ways from acrylic
Combined braces
Combined braces: excellent aesthetics + affordable price
For many, a beautiful smile is a dream, since not all of us have
What to do if you feel a hair in your throat and how to pull out real hair
It happens that some people who do not experience any health problems in general,
Dream Interpretation of Front Teeth Problems: Why Do Women or Men Dream About Front Teeth Problems?
April 28, 2019 Medicine Galina Fil Many people may have a dream that they have
Metal-ceramic crowns for teeth: prices, reviews, before and after photos
Modern dentistry can offer different types of orthopedic structures for successful reconstruction of lost teeth.
how to brush your teeth without a toothbrush
How to brush your teeth without a toothbrush? What can replace a toothbrush?
Why do you need to brush your teeth? Prevention of dental diseases and care include daily brushing of teeth
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