Indications and methods for artistic restoration of teeth Artistic restoration of teeth This is a method, in the process,
From this article you will learn: symptoms of wisdom tooth growth, what to do if a tooth is cutting
From the moment of pregnancy, a complex of changes occurs in a woman’s body, which covers the functions of all
Healthy teeth are firmly held in the gums by periodontium. Due to this feature, they can
Swelling of the nasal mucosa in a child is a characteristic symptom of a number of diseases. He imagines
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Signs Causes Types Diagnostics Treatment methods Consequences Timing Prevention Doctors Work Mesial bite —
Lip piercing or labial piercing is a piercing of the lower or upper part for
Review of the best creams for fixing dentures: features of composition and application Article navigation
From this article you will learn: what types of dental bridges there are, pitfalls when choosing,