Losing a front tooth - how to restore the integrity of teeth
The loss of a front tooth is very acute. And this is not surprising. Even if there is slight darkening
how are veneers made
Methods and materials for making veneers. Modern technologies.
Ceramic veneers Stages of making ceramic veneers Composite veneers Zirconium veneers In an amazing time, we
Photos of types of malocclusion
Teeth straightening - indications and ways to straighten teeth
In what cases is teeth straightening necessary? Smooth and beautiful teeth are the dream of many people.
Balanoposthitis of the penis
Short frenulum of the penis and the method of its correction - frenuloplasty
Short frenulum of the penis - symptoms Congenital short frenulum of the penis is accompanied by pain during sexual intercourse
gingival fibroma
Gum fibroma in the oral cavity: treatment, can it resolve on its own?
Treatment of fibroids on the gum, lip and other soft tissues of the oral cavity usually involves
Zimmer implant prices
Zimmer implants - an American approach to dentition restoration
People who care about dental health are always looking for the best options for diagnostics and
photo of teeth for photo protocol
Dental photography and Photoshop: simple rules and tools for effective and accurate planning
The quality of dental services 20 years ago left much to be desired. Fillings of dubious quality, loss
What is flux and its types
Flux: how to treat and avoid complications
What is flux and its types? Flux is an inflammatory process of soft periodontal tissues.
Crooked baby teeth - Smile Line Dentistry
A child’s baby or permanent teeth grow crookedly: why they come out unevenly, what to do and how to correct them
Contents: A competent approach to the problem If the very first teeth are crooked Causes of crooked teeth growth
Alveolitis 2
Alveolitis after wisdom tooth removal: symptoms, treatment
Fibrosing alveolitis This type of pathology is notable for the fact that connective tissue replaces the necrotic residue
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