Children's teeth
Dentinogenesis imperfecta type I Pathology is always combined with osteogenesis imperfecta. Occurs more often in men
What does a pacifier replace? Already in the sixth month of intrauterine development, the fetus develops a sucking reflex.
What are grillz? This type of decoration looks like an overlay for one or more
When a baby starts teething, this can be a reason for parents to
Orthodontic devices are special designs that are used in modern dentistry to correct
When children drool in their sleep, for most it only causes touching smiles. Causes
Aciclovir The drug Acyclovir, tablets can be taken with meals, since food intake is not
Symptoms of overdose An overdose of Fukortsin can occur due to prolonged use of the solution. In addition, negative
Nastya Ivleva before and after teeth A girl from a simple family showed all of Russia how
Sharks are one of the oldest inhabitants of our planet. Scientists consider them to be the same age as dinosaurs.