How can I find out which clinic the house belongs to?
Primary and secondary health care specialists see citizens in clinics that are listed according to a specific
Chic on the inside of the lip
Blood blisters, pimples on the tongue, lip, mouth and cheek causes
A lump on the inside of the lip is a seal that not only causes aesthetic discomfort, but also
Electric toothbrushes
What is an ultrasonic toothbrush and how does it work? Selection rules
Oral health directly depends on the regularity and quality of hygiene procedures. Not a secret,
What is tooth pigmentation
Pigmentation of teeth and plaque causes, principles of treatment, prevention
When communicating with some people, it is impossible not to pay attention to the strange, unnatural and sometimes
Treatment of caries on the contact surface of teeth 1.4 and 1.5 under a microscope
Competition “Bio/Mol/Text”-2020/2021 This work was published in the “Free Topic” category of the competition “Bio/Mol/Text”-2020/2021. General partner of the competition
Protective apron for X-rays during pregnancy
The Legend of the Visiograph - Prevention of Radioactive Misconceptions
Harm of X-rays for pregnant women Sometimes, while expecting a child, women need to sanitize their oral cavity.
Retracted tooth
5 tips on what to do if your cheek is swollen due to tooth disease
Causes of the pathological condition There are many reasons that lead to a swelling of the cheek from the tooth. Among
Treatment of stomatitis in children
What is stomatitis and how to prevent it
Stomatitis is one of the most common dental diseases, which is expressed in damage to the mucous membrane
Certificate of oral sanitation - why and when is it required?
Sanitation of the oral cavity is a rather important event, which, unfortunately, is underestimated by many. Although this
breast implants
Anatomical or round: which breast implants to choose?
Modern endoprostheses (breast implants) are complex high-tech products that are subject to very high demands.
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