In the first months of a child’s life, every mother is especially sensitive and attentive to health
What are the causes of the numerous problems with teeth and gums that expectant mothers suffer from?
Why are sutures required after wisdom tooth extraction? Extraction of the third molar requires sutures.
Bruxism is uncontrolled grinding of teeth that occurs due to spasms of the masticatory muscles. If you meet
Dental restoration is another popular niche in dentistry, which allows the continuation of life of a severely damaged person.
To enlarge their lips, women pump them up with streptococcal synthesis products (hyaluronic acid fillers), insert implants,
Hydrogen peroxide is widely used in various fields of medicine. Several years ago, scientists stated
Publication date: June 29, 2022. Date the information on this page was updated: October 28, 2021
What kind of disease is candidiasis? Symptoms Causes Treatment Treatment methods Preventive measures For many parents
5324 Braces are the most common bite correction device used in orthodontic treatment.