Signs that make it easy to determine a person’s character by their teeth The shape of the teeth speaks volumes about the person
The inflammatory process of the periodontal soft tissues that occurs during complicated or improper teething is called pericoronitis.
10536 Crown - a single fixed prosthesis that acts as a kind of cap on a destroyed tooth, and
What is an irrigator? An irrigator is a device for cleansing the oral cavity of impurities, i.e.
From this article you will learn: the best types of basal implants, reviews of basal implantation in
Beautiful snow-white teeth are an important component of the image of a successful person. But for a number of reasons enamel
Signboard Marketing in dentistry begins with outdoor advertising. Why is the external façade important when
Treatment of jaw fractures is a characteristic of conservative and surgical treatment methods. Treatment of any injury must begin
Why do teeth hurt mostly at night and not during the day? This question interests a lot of people.
Classification of attachments for correcting malocclusion (especially difficult cases) through the use of transparent aligners.