New generation “Butterfly” dentures
Butterfly - a budget denture and a quick restoration option
The loss of one or two teeth is a reason to immediately make an appointment with a doctor who will help restore the unity of the row.
How to make vampire fangs with your own hands several ways
No vampire costume would look complete without fangs. So if you love
Infographics about the negative consequences of malocclusion
Braces do not cause caries and do not damage enamel. It is a myth.
Orthodontist, Ph.D. Tatyana Vladimirovna Gevorkyan Braces are completely harmful to teeth, since
Valplast nylon prosthesis reviews
Nylon dentures: lightness and comfort guaranteed
We bring to your attention an article about flexible full or partial removable nylon dentures Valplast
Braces and pregnancy. Clinical case from the practice of Dial-Dent
Among orthodontic patients, representatives of the fair sex predominate. Girls and women have always been
Physiotherapy in dentistry in Astrakhan: pain relief, speedy recovery and tissue regeneration
Physiotherapy is a method of therapeutic influence on the body of natural, physical factors. These include electric
Conditions for receiving compensation for dental prosthetics for a pensioner
Compensation payments for dental treatment - regulatory framework Income tax refund of 13%
how to whiten teeth
How effective is White Smile teeth whitening and how to maintain the effect for a long time?
One of the most popular services in cosmetic dentistry today is teeth whitening. Neither
Darkening of the tooth near the gum - causes
If a tooth is darkened, it’s not just an aesthetic problem.
Darkening of the tooth near the gum can be caused by various reasons. Not all of them are related
Dental implants Alpha Bio Tec (Alpha Bio)
Alpha Bio implants have been produced in Israel for more than twenty-five years. They have a huge
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